What is structural chiropractic

Traditional Therapies

The goals of a traditional therapies are to decrease muscle spasms and increase ranges of motion. Typically this care is referred to as relief or symptom care.

Take a moment to think about the foundation of a building. Now think of the foundation like your spine. If the foundation has shifted one would expect creaky floors, cracked walls and windows that do not seal well. There are two main options to fix the problems. One can patch the damages with the knowledge it will only be a short term solution. Which in time will need to be fixed again and again and again.

Rather than continually using temporary patches one could decide to fix the foundation. Instead of constantly patching the problems, at Platinum Chiropractic, we have chosen to fix the foundation and help your spine achieve a normal structure.

We know that our services are not for everyone. But, if you are sick of repairing the same “problems’ and are searching for a long term solution that you can see and feel then Platinum Chiropractic might be the right place for you. Once the foundation has been fixed, then we can instruct you how to retain it through a customized recommendations personally designed by your chiropractor for you spine. This will help ensure the problem does not come back.